Tuesday, November 15, 2011

82. Witness a solar eclipse

In 1991, my family lived in Hawaii.  It was our last summer home.  We went to visit my Uncle Harvey and Auntie Kanamu and all our "brothers."  We drove all over the Big Island to find the perfect spot to watch the eclipse.  I didn't know what it was REALLY.  Cause peoples.  I was 6.  Not exactly on my radar of important things to know.  I have these very concrete memories of this event.  I can't really tell you if it is because I really remember it, or if it's because my mom video recorded the whole thing and I've watched the tape only a THOUSAND times and that is where I am getting this memory from.  Either way though.....I remember it.  It was magical!  I was totally mystified.  I still am.  I am amazed at our universe and the wonders inside it and the wonders beyond.  Heavenly Father is a GENIUS!


GEESH PEOPLE! I have neglected you.  I apologize.  I will once again start this little sucker! 

Sorry for the neglect.  Don't report me to the blogging police....

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

93. Start a blog

Okay.  Well I have had multiple blogs over the years.  But I guess I have now started doing it seriously.  I've posted every couple of days.  I try to find the funny things about my day and record them.  :D

27. Swim with Dolphins

I know right?  How amazing is that?!  When I went to Hawaii with Cassie, Erin, and Latu, Ali'i took us out on his boat with his friends and we swam with dolphins.  It was one of the greatest things of my entire life.  I loved it. I can't WAIT to do it again.  Cause I am for sure going to do it again.

On our way to go.  Sooooo early...

Is this not the greatest picture of my entire life?!  I love it!!

Don't ask me why Ali'i is hiding in the back.  But here we are with the boys!!

The boys.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

31. Send someone a "just thinking of you" card

Well Today I did just that.  I sent both Jasmine and Erin cards.  They were pretty witty and awesome as all thinking of you cards should be!  I wish that there were more to this story then there actually is, but alas...there is not.  So I guess it's time for me to go and buy a Diet Mountain Dew!!  Jealous?  As you should be.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Overwhelmed much?

Alright...Now that I have done that, I have become a little overwhelmed....Sigh!!  Deep Breaths.  I have the rest of my life to fulfill these things...I better start making some money, cause good grief!!

Bucket List

Over the years, I have compiled multiple bucket lists.  I decided that I should have a central one.  List them, and when I cross them off, document them in some awesomely amazing way.  Don't you agree that that is an AWESOME idea?  So do I!!  Now, judging the bucket list is not allowed.  Please feel free to add ideas to this list as it will be constantly changing and growing.  But NO JUDGING!!

The List!

1. Go to the Met
2. Have a picnic in Central Park
3. Dance in the Rain
4. Go to Ireland
5. Fill my Passport
6. Ride Horseback at moonlight
7. Watch the sunrise and sunset at the beach
8. Ride Horseback on the beach
9. Go on a Church History Tour
10. Ride in a Hot Air Balloon
11. Go on a Treasure Hunt
12. Sit in the Oval Office
13. Go to a Major Sporting Event (Olympics, Superbowl, etc)
14. Have Tea with a Royal
15. Visit the Ancient Ruins of the Mayans
16. Ride a Camel in the desert
17. Ride an Elephant
18. Watch the sunset on Santorini
19. Swim in each of the 7 seas
20. Light a candle in the Holocaust Memorial Museums Hall of Remembrance
21. Get a professional makeover
22. Decoupage a table
23. Scuba dive in the waters of Micronesia
24. Para sail
25. Go Paint balling
26. Walk on the Great Wall of China
27. Swim with Dolphins    Completed 4/2010
28. Go to a third world country
29. Catch a bouquet
30. Ice Skate in an outdoor rink at night in the snow
31. Send someone a "just thinking of you" card     Completed 2/3/11
32. Stomp grapes in Tuscany
33. Walk in the Summer Rain
34. Watch a baby being born
35. Throw a coin int he Fontana di Trevi in Rome
36. Ride on a Gondola in Venice
37. Take a helicopter ride
38. Go to an Italian Opera
39. Visit Ayers Rock in Australia
40. Restore an Old House
41. Have a house on the Ocean
42. Dance with Glee
43. Rent a Virgin Island
44. Attend a Hollywood Premier
45. Sew a Quilt
46. Attend a School Reunion
47. Write Name in Wet Cement
48. Make photo album or collage for Best Friend
49. Lie naked on a wide open field beneath a brilliant moon
50. Build a glorious elaborate snow castle
51. Learn to say "I Love You" in ten different languages
52. Be someones hero
53. Have a mentor
54. Be a mentor
55. Christmas carol with candles
56. Spend the day in a hammock
57. Buy a car with cash
58. Visit the house where I was born
59. Become a friend of a rich celebrity
60. Get invited to the white house
61. Finger paint
62. Throw petals at a wedding instead of rice
63. Attend an Art Opening
64. Cross Country Road Trip, all 48 Continental state visited
65. See the Jungle when it's wet with rain
66. Take a walk in the woods at night when it's snowing
67. Take a cross country train ride
68. Ride a cable car in San Francisco
69. Get good at black and white photography
70. Learn to play the Uke
71. Listen to a choir sing in a cathedral
72. Drink milk from a coconut with a straw
73. Have five or six shower heads
74. Go Whale watching
75. See Stonehenge and join the druids
76. Take a Painting class
77. Go on a Vacation by myself
78. Fall in Love....For Real....
79. Meet the President of the United States
80. Graduate from College
81. Learn to salsa dance
82. Witness a solar eclipse Completed in 1991
83. Run a marathon
84. Go skydiving
85. See the Monalisa
86. Go on safari
87. Learn to play golf
88. Go Bungee Jumping
89. Go Zorbing
90. Go on a cruise
91. Solve a Rubik's Cube
92. Take up gourmet cooking
93. Start a blog      Completed 1/2011
94. Own my very own dog
95. Take a Photo for Every Day of the Year
96. Sleep Under the Stars
97. Ride in a Horse Drawn Carriage
98. See the Northern Lights
99. Ride a Mechanical Bull
100. Stand Under a Waterfall
101. Learn Spanish

To Be Continued....